
Benign skin tumors

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Skin cysts

Epidermoid cyst

Epidermal or subdermal cystic swelling of the skin, often with a central hole, derived from the spiliary epithelium.

Dermoid Cyst

It is a cyst that results from the entrapment of epithelium and is found in areas of fusion of the fetal skin.

Millry bladder

It is a small epidermoid cyst that is clinically presented as a white or creamy papules.

Biliary bladder

This is an autosomatic prevalent type inherited condition that results in the occurrence of cysts coming from the inner sheath of the scalp. The place of appearance is the scalp.

Multiple Steatocyoma

It is a condition of the sebaceous glands that is inherited during the prevailing autosomal type and which occurs in adolescence.

Mucous cyst of the ring

It is a mucous tumor of the phalangiogeal joints.

Mucous body cysts

It is a common, self-indulgent, spherical-shaped, cleyzousa, blue-colored cyst that is localized to the lower lip.

Benign tumors

Sweat glands tumors

It is a rare entity that affects the eccrine sweat pore resulting in the appearance of multiple small lumps, usually found on the eyelids.


It is a benign tumor of the sweat pores that are usually manifold.

Excretion prosity

These are single nodules that are mainly found in the palms or treads and come from the endoepidermal part of the pore of the sweat gland.

dermal cylindroma

It is a common benign tumor originated from the sweat glands.

Gland tumors

It is a benign cystic tumor derived from the aprine glands.

Hair follicles tumors

It is a rare benign tumor that consists of hairy elements.


Multiple family-type tumor derived from hair follicles.

Malherbe calcified epithelium

Uterine hair which can be calcified. Mostly appears on the face and affects children.

Sebaceous glands tumors

Small yellow papillaries with precipitation in the center which appears on the face and consists of numerous mature hyperplastic sebaceous glands.

The skin’s tumors

This is an extremely common benign type disorder in the maturation of cells of the basal layer of skin which is clinically presented as a clearly related overweening, with abnormal surface papules or plaque.

Degos Clear Cell Thorn

It is a rare benign epidermal lesion that mainly occurs in the lower part of the tibia. The cause is unknown

Cracked rash

A pseudoepithelial tumor derived from the chronic injury created behind the ears or the spine of the nose, from the use of an unsuitable glass frame.


An interlocked small, soft, melachromatic papillary, which is often persistent and is presented around the neck and folds.

Tumors of fibrous tissue

Hypertrophic scars and keloids

Hypertrophic scars and keloids are hyper developmental type reactions of connective tissue from injury.

fibroblast cell tumors

It is a very common skin tumor that occurs more frequently in the lower part of the tibia and is considered to be the result of local reaction. (Insect bite, etc.).


It is a locally only malignant tumor derived from fibroblasts.

Juvenile Xanthogranuloma

It is a rare intra-chorionic tumor appearing in childhood, consisting of tissue cells containing fatty material.

Tumors of the neural tissue

Neuroma and neural cytomegalovirus are both benign tumors derived from the nervous sheath.

Tumor of adipose tissue

It is a benign tumor of adipose tissue.

Muscle tumor

It is a benign tumor that derives from the smooth muscles of the hairy pockets, the blood vessels of the nipples and the genital area.

Vascular origin tumors

Particularly common benign vascular papillary that occurs in young people, most likely as a response to a lesion.

Sciatic vasculitis of the scrotum or the vagina

It is relatively common benign vascular papillary of the genital area.

Anderson-Fabry tumor

It is a rare hereditary disease of males, which is transferred in a residual way and due to a deficiency of galactosidase A resulting in deposition of glycolipids in the small blood vessels of the skin and bowels.

Neuro-muscle-vascular tumor

It is a benign neoplasm of the cellular elements of the choragals, which appears more frequently on the palms and treads.


It consists of red or red spots or papules that are found in the torso.

Venous Lake

It is benign vascular tumour on the face and especially the lips that appears in the elderly.

Subungual exostoses


Clinical characteristics

This swelling occurs more frequently in women as a result of using unsuitable footwear. There is a deviation of the large finger to the smaller toes.


Clinical characteristics

It is a slightly painful cystic bulge, which usually appears on the top of the hands. It contains a viscous material like jelly, which comes from the articular hymen, which originates through the fibrous capsule.

Dental fistula

Clinical characteristics

A chronic dental abscess is possible over time to infect the bone and form a fistula, which empties into the mouth or the cheeks , or just below the corner of the jaw. An X-ray Confirms the diagnosis while the tooth being implicated must be removed.

Nodular chronodermatitis

Clinical characteristics

This condition is presented as painful papules or nodules that are found in the propeller or the ear. Typically thrive on the top of the ear. It is likely to come from prolonged pressure on the ear during sleep.

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